back to school graphic

Hi everyone,
Livonia Elementary is excited to welcome back our students tomorrow. Just a reminder that tomorrow will be a full day of school for all grades K-5.
Our buses should be at your house around the time scheduled on your transportation sheet that was handed out at Meet and Greet. If you have any questions please call the bus garage at 346-4010 or the main office at 346-4000 ext 5000 and we will be glad to help.
For parents dropping off tomorrow, we will have staff available to welcome our students in the cafeteria door off the main (flag pole/canopy) entrance between 8-8:35 am.
For parent pick up, we will follow the same system of last year. Staff will direct you to a parking spot and your child will be brought out to your car. Students arrive to parent pick up at 3:05 and we usually have all students to their cars by 3:20. New this year, when we provide you with your dashboard sign as you drive in, there will be a QR code on the card for you to check yourself in. Scan the code with most smartphones and you will be brought to a form to enter your student's last name, number of students to pick up, and parking space number (Spaces are numbered with signs in front of each space. No worries if it doesn't work for your phone, we will have staff to support if you are having trouble checking in.
On behalf of the whole staff, we are excited to welcome students back tomorrow. Thank you for your continued support. We can't wait for a great start.
Casey Whittel