Seniors - If you are planning to take the SAT on August 28th, tomorrow is the registration deadline.

Their day didn't go as planned but that didn't stop Mrs. Faulkenberry's, Mrs. Wolgast's and Ms. Clark's students from having fun!

AP score release starts today for tests taken in May. You can login to get your scores at https://www.collegeboard.org/. Reminder - scores are released throughout the day.

🚌 We're hiring bus drivers! Are you interested? Give Bob Orman a call 346-4010, and come to our drive a bus event on Saturday, August 14th and give it a try!
📣 Excellent benefits package
🌞10-month position with school breaks off
⏰ 5.5 hours/day
Great opportunity for a retiree looking for something to do and stay connected with the community.

❗ We're hiring! We are looking for Teacher Assistants and Aides (Paraprofessionals). You can find out more and apply here: https://livonia.recruitfront.com/Default. Look under Job Opportunities. Application due by July 30th.
📣 Excellent benefits package including family health insurance, paid sick and personal days.
🌞10-month position with all school breaks off

The 7/8th grade bands' last song of the year "Fanfare for the Unsung Hero" was performed during Dawg Dogs for our student athletes. Dawg Days promotes inclusion within our community and highlights the talents of our differently-abled students. Thank you to Mr. Petelin and the 7/8th grade for performing. https://youtu.be/s-YukG5me-Y

The Class of 2021 Senior Slideshow is now available on the MHS YouTube channel https://youtu.be/Y-P-qOt2UFg

🏊 Livonia Continuing Education will be offering one summer session of Swim Lessons from July 26th-August 6th. NEW: Online only registration and payment ✏️ Registration link - https://forms.gle/TedA8RMTUWnfzui98 💰 Payment link - https://www.govpaynow.com/gps/user/cyg/plc/a001yg Registration deadline is July 16th, class size limited to 15 people/time slot. ❓about registration or payment please call 346-4000 x4006 or email cshaw@livoniacsd.org Your registration will be complete once your payment and registration have been received.

Final report cards are now available on SchoolTool Parent Portal: https://st.edutech.org/livonia/. The site will be down tomorrow, July 7, from 9-11am for maintenance. When you look at grades make sure school year 2020-2021 is selected (the site now defaults to 21-22). If you are having problems you can find directions here: https://www.livoniacsd.org/reportcards. Reminder this site works best from a desktop, laptop or chromebook.

🎓 Congratulations to the Class of 2021! We are so proud of you.

Class of 2021 Graduation Livestream links
Processional and Speeches Livestream Link
Livestream begins at 9:00am
Diploma Presentation Livestream Link
Appointments run 10:30am -3:30pm

📖 MHS Summer Reading Club registration is now available for students entering grades 6-9! https://forms.gle/LKRkjnL4rq1ux4aE8. For more information email jgkourlias@livoniacsd.org or jmcmahon@livoniacsd.org