On Halloween Mrs. Reitz's class met with their buddies in Ms. Forsythe's class and made puppets!
9 months ago, Elementary School
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
Photos from the second half of the 4th grade trip that went on Friday to the Rochester Museum & Science Center to learn more about the Haudenosaunee and explore the museum.
9 months ago, Elementary School
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
students  at museum
Monday's Morning Show is now available https://youtu.be/3VDJ6fcziGY.
9 months ago, Elementary School
two students at news desk
Mrs. Jones' class had a hoot learning about owls this week! To culminate the week long unit, today they dissected owl pellets to learn what owls eat!
9 months ago, Elementary School
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
student with owl pellet
Half of the 4th grade went to the Rochester Museum & Science Center yesterday to learn more about the Haudenosaunee and explore the museum.
9 months ago, Elementary School
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
students at museum
We are hiring Teacher Aides and Teaching Assistants! Apply online before December 1st. The position's start date is January 2nd, 2024 Assistants - https://livonia.recruitfront.com/JobPosting?JID=42194 Aides - https://livonia.recruitfront.com/JobPosting?JID=42195
9 months ago, Livonia CSD
TAs and Aides
Happy Friday! Today's morning show is now available https://youtu.be/I8XHv8bcLrU. Congratulations to our new Yearbook Club officers!
9 months ago, Elementary School
two students at news desk
Thursday's ES Morning Show is now available https://youtu.be/q4BeQI67zMI with reminders from the PE teachers and some trivia!
9 months ago, Elementary School
two students at news desk
Check out the LCW Plastics Collection (Litteer, Coyle, Welch)! Maybe you saw in our morning announcements that Mr. Litteer was working on a way to collect the plastic bags our breakfasts are served in. Students in the Coyle/Liteer class started collecting in the last week of September. A new plastics collector is assigned every two days to collect the bags from 1st-3rd grades. They wanted to keep all of this plastic out of landfills and the oceans so they needed a way to get the ones from the 4-5 hallways. Mr. Litteer reached out to Mrs. Welch's 4th grade class to help. The 4th and 5th grade classes put their bags in special boxes designed by the Coyle/Liteer class each morning and two assigned people from Mrs. Welch's class pick them up and bring them to Mr. Litteer's room each day. Today the closet was full and it was time for the counting party! They collected a whopping 1477 plastic bags so far. The bags will be taken to Shurfine to be recycled over the next week.
9 months ago, Elementary School
students with bags
counting bags
counting bags
counting bags
counting bags
counting bags
counting bags
counting bags
party time
party time
More Halloween fun!
9 months ago, Elementary School
PreK Halloween Fun
9 months ago, Elementary School
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
prek halloween
Halloween fun!
9 months ago, Elementary School
Happy November! Today's ES Morning Show is now available - https://youtu.be/PpNzl6H09Bk
9 months ago, Elementary School
twp students at news desk
Miss Farabell's 4th grade students met with their buddies in Mrs. Preston's room today for Halloween activities.
9 months ago, Elementary School
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
A few Halloween Class pictures
9 months ago, Elementary School
students at library
Leon Class pic
Patti class pic
Jones class pic
Mr. Whittel and Mrs. Hysick had grade-level read-alouds today with some fun Halloween stories.
9 months ago, Elementary School
principals reading
principals reading
principals reading
principals reading
principals reading
This is not a Halloween trick! Free breakfast and lunch for all Livonia students start tomorrow! Please check your emails for more information about no-cost meals and Affordable Connectivity.
9 months ago, Livonia CSD
no cost meals
Classroom buddies! After reading The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin, Miss Presler's 2nd-grade class and Mrs. Petelin's 5th-grade class made their own pumpkins. Students enjoyed getting to meet their buddies and helping each other out for this activity!
9 months ago, Elementary School
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
students working together
🎃👻The Halloween Edition of the Morning Show is now available with tips on staying safe while trick-or-treating - https://youtu.be/pz7txGzZloU.
9 months ago, Elementary School
two students at news deswk
🎃Yesterday Mrs. Herrick's and Mrs. Dorey's class read The Legend of Spookley and the 4th graders helped the kindergarteners build their own pumpkin out of pipe cleaners and cereal.
9 months ago, Elementary School
students working together
students working together